Anuradhapura - The City brings you to the Sri Lankan History

Anuradhapura or Anuradhagaama was the first kingdom of Sri Lanka as well as one of the proud city which reflects enamors stories of Sri Lankan history. It has a higher archeological value and it can be considered as a great example for the unbelievable irrigation system and high-quality architecture of Sri Lanka.

Travelers have to drive 205km from Colombo city to Anuaradhapura via Kandy-Jaffna A9 road or Colombo-Puttalam road. This city is situated in North central province, most of the historical sites are located within the inner part of the city called ‘Pujaa Nagaraya’.

Most of the local pilgrims visit Anuradhapuraya during June, July and August and as the result of that whole city seem crowded. From the low cost of free of charge rest halls to five stars hotels are available in the City

Sri Maha Bodhiya can be recognized as one of the oldest tree which has considerable pieces of evidence is located in Anuradhapuraya City. Buddhist followers are willing to visit and worship this sacred place. And also Ruwanweli Pagoda, Thooparama Pagoda, Jethawana monastery complex, Abhayagiri monastery complex, Twin Pond, Elephant pond can be seen during your visit. The Moonstone, Muragala and Samadhi Statue which reflects the pride of Sri Lankan art are to be watched in the City. 

You will be unable to cover all these places within a single day. During your visit, you can see Mihinthalaya which located 6km far from the city and Ancient Thanthirimale Temple complex located 25km far from Anuradhapuraya.

No words to explain the dried and hot weather conditions during the most part of the year in Anuradhapura city. Therefore do not forget to pack your bags with dresses which helps to prevent warm weather. And also you should have a camera to keep these things on your memory. For the foreign visitors have to buy a ticket to visit some places.
